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First Aid Training and Youth as Agents of Behavioural Chang

A comprehensive training program on first aid and youth empowerment was successfully conducted for traffic wardens. The training aimed to equip participants with essential life-saving skills and promote positive behavioural change within their communities.

Highlights of both sessions were:
1. First Aid Training: Hands-on sessions on basic first aid techniques, wound management, and CPR.
2. Youth Empowerment: Interactive discussions on promoting positive behavioural change, leadership, and community engagement.
The closing ceremony was graced with the presence of Abdul Majid Ch., Vice Chairman, Pakistan Red Crescent (PRC) Punjab Muhammad Zahid, Secretary, PRC Punjab. The dignitaries appreciated the participants’ enthusiasm and emphasized the importance of their role in promoting positive behaviour and professional calmness required during the emergencies. Certificates will be distributed among the participants after the completion of codal formalities. The dignitaries acknowledged the successful completion of the training program.

Muhammad Imran Assistant Director First Aid
Rao Zaka Ur Rehman Assistant Director Youth and Volunteer
Zeeshan Ashfaq Assistant Trainer Y&V

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