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Thalassemia is an inherited blood disorder that affects your body’s ability to produce hemoglobin and healthy red blood cells.

To alleviate thalassemia, Punjab Red Crescent Society is fighting thalassemia by collecting blood donations for #ThalasssmiaChampions and transfused free of cost on daily basis at JTK Thalassemia Center of Punjab Red Crescent Society

On 21-03-2023, Red Crescent Punjab Blood Donation Team went to Government Degree College for Women, Wapda Town, Lahore where a one-day blood drive was carried out. The response was overwhelming by students, teachers, and staff of the college from which 15 blood bags were collected which bring smiles to 15 thalassemia patients.

Meanwhile, the Principal and Vice Principal of the college visited the blood camp and appreciated well the efforts made by Red Crescent Punjab for Thalassemia and in support of the noble cause.

Lastly, Certificates were distributed among blood donors and an honorary souvenir was presented to the college Principal on behalf of Red Crescent Punjab.

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