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A first-aid orientation session at the request of the Principal Govt. Shalimar Graduate College, Lahore was conducted on 24th November 2022 for 50 students.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.The orientation session was aimed at learning basic life-saving skills in case of road accidents resulting in bleeding cases, sudden collapses, and minor health emergencies. The session had been conducted with a participatory approach and was well appreciated by the management of the college.
Meanwhile, a Volunteer Recruitment Drive was also part of the session in which More than 35 students voluntarily registered themselves for volunteer work with the society.
A detailed meeting with Principal Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Javed was held for the reactivation of the youth club in the college and its related activities. The Principal reassured full support for red crescent activities and urged to have first aid with CPR training for teachers.
#firstaidtraining #firstaidforlife #firstaiderineveryhome #volunteersrecruitmentdrive #YouthOnTheMove #PRCS #PHQ






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